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When should I take a Rest Day?

CrossFit and it's relative high intensity nature means it's fun, challenging and gets great results. However because of this component, it also means that we need to give our bodies adequate time to recover before it breaks down and we plateau in our lifts, pick up injuries and burn out. That's why rest and recovery are essential to excel.

In CrossFit, we traditionally schedule rest days on Thursday and Sunday. A mid-week rest allows the body to recuperate so you can hit your final sessions of the week with similar intensity to when you're fresh on Monday, while Sunday is a nice opportunity to get out of the gym and enjoy your weekend with other activities.

(Side note: some athletes like an "active recovery" day on a Thursday where you get some movement in, but this is based on personal preference and should leave you feeling fresh. Think walking, yoga, easy cardio, joint movements and/or stretching).

However if you still want to train five days per week and your rest days don’t line up with the usual Thursday/Sunday routine, you can adjust it in a variety of ways.

What if I want weekends off?

Four to five days in a row is perfectly acceptable if it works for your schedule and allows you to stay CONSISTENT. However you need to be mindful that this is more than many and you should monitor how you're feeling on the 4th and 5th days closely. If you choose to train back-to-back days, you may want to consider a lower volume/intensity day mid-week which isn't so taxing on your body or nervous system but still allows you to progress.

What if I work shifts?

This could be one day on, one day off, 4 days on, one day off etc. Whatever your diary looks like, this is simply a case of committing to a routine and doing what you can around your work hours. This is where working with a coach comes in handy as they can help tailor your training around your schedule.

Do I really need to take rest days?

Yes. Full stop. What tends to happen is that you fall in love with the process, making friends with people in your gym and seeing the results you've always wanted and don't want to take days off. But you must take some time to let your body recover. Rest assured a few days off will not impede your progress and you'll probably be able to hit your training with better intensity.

What will work for me?

Only you can know the answer to that. Try out different routines and see what works for you.

Adjust it to your NEEDs, GOALs and what will allow you to stay on track with training and recovery.

Be thoughtful about how you feel.

Be honest and ask yourself if you're doing too much, too many days in a row.

If you need an extra rest day, take it.

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